Africa Festival
Welcome north of the Sahara – Africa Festival in Bavaria
the 29th Africa Festival just took place in Würzburg, located by the river Main next to the City Center. Bavaria turned a bit more colourfull for 4 days and beeing from the “oh so tolerant” rhineland one kept wondering why it is possible in Wuerzburg to have a festival located in town and not in Bonn. Maybe the bavarians are just so much jused to all that umpta-umpta it became part of the daily noise tolerance.
A long lineup of africa/german/international musicans is part of the festival as is a big Basar with goods and foods from all over Africa, long dance nights and undercover police from the nearby police school checking for pot smokers. Unfortunatly everybody was so prepared for the police that nearly no one smoked. Must have been depressing for the watchdogs.
Anyway, the sun was high above, the moon shining and the music did light it up, drums around you.
Here are some impressions with artist like Faada Freddy, Wally Seek, Elida Almeida, Salif Keita, Eneida Marta and Fatoumata Diawara. Thank you Africa Festival for giving me the possibility to shoot.