Hello 2018 – venice… fresh out of the darkroom
12. Januar 2018
Hello 2018, it has been a while since the last blog.
Now I am writing you straight out of the darkroom with some venice impressions.
I do love analog photography.
Just the fact that from the first day in venice from the first 6 picture negative stripe there is none I did not like… as shown here.
Have a look on these cross processed, handdeveloped (and yes scanned but not altered) prints.
If you ever wanted to learn analog black and white or colour printing, with all the gadgets included (dark or red light, chemicals, light bringing images to fotopaper, …) send me a message to info@johempel.com.
We negotiate the conditions. For shure it is not for free (if you have your own paper it gets cheaper), but it will not be a fortune.