rose monday may there be sun or rain
All we wanted to do was to build an other carnevals wagon –
…………………………………………………………………..we did build a toilet
That is how it flows sometimes. With the weather supposingly stormy and rainy, the inspiration not clinging, the Schaumburg beeing the afterzuch location and toilets missing…..away went the wagon. It became a toilet. It is a dirty job but someone got to do it.
In the end?
Miraculously the sun was shining on rose monday and luckily the Viertelbar did start to build their Viertel-Europa earlier and made it happen greatly. After passing the Zuch we had a wonderfull, musical afternoon at the Frankenbad-Platz. Cueltuerkluengel, families, burning christmastrees, dancing dervish and kids on sharks….. just as we like it!
BUT!…..damn…I think the organisator of the rose monday parade, the Festausschuss did forget to put up some toilets ……again…well those who have to take care of so many things can not be bothered with simple matters.
When dusk came, the ox and the lady moved to the Schaumburg to dance till late with most of the D-Jots who did tune the rosemonday on Frankenbad and Dorotheenstrasse the last decade.
Thank you rose monday, thank you weather, thank you ViertelBar, thank you musicans, Schaumburg and DJots.
Alaaaf Akbar!