Licht der Fantasie exhibition
We had a wonderfull short exhibition in the Bonner Schule.
Photography and Light Sculptures
Through dark floors one entered 3 chambers of which one has been a joined venture between Menduri Melcher and Jo Hempel and the other two showed solitary work of each artist. Deep ocean, photokitchen and the sandstorm.
Saturday and sunday we had a great time witnessing groups of Dinka gypsies wandering through downtown Bonn in their colourfull neon dresses and playing cat and mice with the police. Well they stayed for some religious cause but drinking went on and in some bars the probably just drank and run, that made the villagers nervous and the police present. On the other hand they spend a hell lot of money in other bars. So ying and yang.
We finished at thursday with participating at the white dinner that took place on the Friedrichstrasse in Bonn, so do not be surprised to see whities on some pics.