Das Wochenende zum ersten Mai fand ein wunderbares Ende mit einem Konzert von Polkageist im la Victoria Man konnte nochmal richtig den Abzug der Wolken mit ein paar Tanzschritten gebührend begrüßen. Sonntag Abend im La Victoria mit der die Menge treibenden Band Polkageist. Willkommen im Mai

Fuck you! I won’t do what….concerts Hell yeah! Musik For The Kitchen the band brought to you to the township by ViertelBar-Concerts. First of a wonderfull lineup of live music from around the world. Musik For The Kitchen played their own tunes and covered a wide repertoire of music styles and songs with their mix …
Concerts! Concerts! A lot of concerts Just before the welcome to the kitchen concert tonight at the township we take a little look back on some live music…we want more:) Bukahara live at the base camp: Music, campers and a well of audience, first all rest on their…. but then….Hossa! DyrtByte live at the …
No, this is not Sanct Petersburg?, anyhow live acts are happening and just recently we did see a lot in Bonn. Sorry that you will not see any pics of la papa verde here, sometimes the photographer is dancing to much, but I can and will invite you to a small trip into the world …
smack my bitch up RocknHeim part 2, featuring the festival, Skrillex, Fritz K, Fanta4 and Prodigy. Festivals, they are a mental and physical mass between heaven and hell. Allways having some zombie effect on you. What helps to keep alive (not talking about liquer) is the music. When the beat kicks in, the drums start …
Its the KKK biatch. Hallo…..gehts noch? ein Karlauer, und das hier… ja ne, nur kein Karneval bein Konzert in der Brotfabrik und lecker gute Simmung. jute Musik braucht halt keene Pappnasen (zusammen jet aber auch) mehr bald unter keineval.co.nf mit Antiquariat, la lengua del malon und Luke I am your dad always believe in the …