No one wants a battlefield during Karneval, there is enough battle with the consciousness Leider kommen überall wilde Gerüchte auf, über Chaos und Durcheinander am Rosenmontag bei der Demo zum alternativen Karneval, selbst in den höchsten Etagen der Bonner Stadtadministration. Nun ja, es ist Karneval, diese Zeit wurde geschaffen für Chaos, aber …

Saturday róughly 200 people met for the Tanzdemo in Bonn only that few thought it is allright to dance for more cultural space, fair rents and intelligent usement of abondened and empty houses? Well….it is Bonn, everybody sleepy here and it is January. At least the graffiti artists do not sleep to long to …
Dat Ship het jewackelt!!!! Township did nearly take of UPROOT ANDY (New York), DJ POLYESTA (Amsterdam) and KOSTA KOSTOV (Collogne). Djs of fortune, players of global music, seducer of innocent dancefloor inhabitants. One and all did do their best to get the crowd moving and the crowd did move, the ship shaked and the …
Fuck you! I won’t do what….concerts Hell yeah! Musik For The Kitchen the band brought to you to the township by ViertelBar-Concerts. First of a wonderfull lineup of live music from around the world. Musik For The Kitchen played their own tunes and covered a wide repertoire of music styles and songs with their mix …
Concerts! Concerts! A lot of concerts Just before the welcome to the kitchen concert tonight at the township we take a little look back on some live music…we want more:) Bukahara live at the base camp: Music, campers and a well of audience, first all rest on their…. but then….Hossa! DyrtByte live at the …
You meet people, you talk, you drink, you kiss, you leave and then it starts again timetravel, timelaps, timeloss….a party by At Worlds End. An golden ticket invitation by Horenzeggen. the idea to hitchhike again into friday the 13th full moon. (I need to tell, a polish guy drove me stright to the door) …
Its the KKK biatch. Hallo…..gehts noch? ein Karlauer, und das hier… ja ne, nur kein Karneval bein Konzert in der Brotfabrik und lecker gute Simmung. jute Musik braucht halt keene Pappnasen (zusammen jet aber auch) mehr bald unter mit Antiquariat, la lengua del malon und Luke I am your dad always believe in the …
It is not very well preserved who started it, might been the Hutmachers back in the days, around christmass, who knows,….but still it is going on and on: CLUB PISSRINNE the only real underground spot in Bonn. Might be a junky/gangster/hobo place most of the time, but once in a while someone comes along, piles …