Saturday róughly 200 people met for the Tanzdemo in Bonn only that few thought it is allright to dance for more cultural space, fair rents and intelligent usement of abondened and empty houses? Well….it is Bonn, everybody sleepy here and it is January. At least the graffiti artists do not sleep to long to …

the…. bright tradeshow, went to the show, but ..why is this only at night? anyhow, it has been great, no matter if eating gingerbread houses, drinking beer with Gypsi and Conny at the Fluff 1826 release, seeing oectagon, beton hausen, european skateboard awards. The best things about tradeshows are the nights anyway, everybody is getting …
Jo Hempel Photography does send warm seasons greatings and best wishes for 2015 to all of you
Gut das jemand mal zusammenfasst……. welche Worte, Ausdrücke und Weltbilder bei der Bogida Demo am Montag wirklich gefallen sind und Stellung dazu nimmt was die öffentlichen Medien berichten. Das scheint doch weit weck zu sein vom besorgten Bürgertum und die Medien verkennen die Lage?. Leserbrief zum Kommentar „Bedrohliche Szenen“ von Rüdiger Franz vom 15.12.2014 …
Bogida, Bonn people against the islamisation of the oxident….well….. Yes, for sure, there are a lot of idiots claiming to do the right thing under the banner of Islam. But may this be an excuse to front against all the people coming to Germany for 10000 reasons. If you take a look at …
Dear friends of Photography, people who are late with presents for Christmass Jo Hempel Photography does offer to you a special Photo-Calender-Deal 13 Photos exposed on Photopaper bound in a wonderfull calender 2015 reusable for 20×20 frames with practical cutting marks No, these are not handprints, nobody could offer this for 45 €, but …
It is mostly a pleasure to drop into a Deap Sea Light after a long night It has definitly been a pleasure after the great GCMN Dance happening on the township to float away in the morning with Deap Sea Light. Lucky bunch of visitors who had the opportunity to see that exhibition in full …
Dat Ship het jewackelt!!!! Township did nearly take of UPROOT ANDY (New York), DJ POLYESTA (Amsterdam) and KOSTA KOSTOV (Collogne). Djs of fortune, players of global music, seducer of innocent dancefloor inhabitants. One and all did do their best to get the crowd moving and the crowd did move, the ship shaked and the …
Fuck you! I won’t do what….concerts Hell yeah! Musik For The Kitchen the band brought to you to the township by ViertelBar-Concerts. First of a wonderfull lineup of live music from around the world. Musik For The Kitchen played their own tunes and covered a wide repertoire of music styles and songs with their mix …
Concerts! Concerts! A lot of concerts Just before the welcome to the kitchen concert tonight at the township we take a little look back on some live music…we want more:) Bukahara live at the base camp: Music, campers and a well of audience, first all rest on their…. but then….Hossa! DyrtByte live at the …