Gypsy Ska Orquesta meets Rhizom
Time passes – Music stays
Dear Memory, this is your ear….
I still have it, the tune of of the Gypsy Ska Orquesta
here inside of me,…do you feel it…the rythem, the base, the power….
It was a very sweaty evening when I opened up for Gypsy Ska Orquesta meets Rhizom at Cafe la Victoria for a Rhizom-Bar. It was sweaty because la banda gave all they had,…that was a lot after 3 weeks of constant touring and the cafe was so crowded that people could not enter.
Dear brain….. it was very good that you remembered Gypsy Ska Orquesta from lat years Goulash Disko Festival and that your feelings have been right about how strong their music is and how lovley the band.
Thank you to all for your spontanity and energy of making that concert happening
Gypsy Ska Orquesta meets Rhizom at Cafe la Victoria
with best reargards