Welcome north of the Sahara – Africa Festival in Bavaria the 29th Africa Festival just took place in Würzburg, located by the river Main next to the City Center. Bavaria turned a bit more colourfull for 4 days and beeing from the “oh so tolerant” rhineland one kept wondering why it is possible in Wuerzburg …

If you want to skateboard or roll transition in Egypt, you have to go to the christians This is as far as I know a fact, well I think there is a pipe in El-Gouna, but that might be another story. So we went, twice. Last Friday we went to Beit Elwadi, somewhere between Cairo …
Eurythmie? Das sind doch die die Ihren Namen Tanzen…oder was? Denkst Du! Denkst Du falsch! 2 Stunden Photoshooting gestern und wieder eines Bessern belehrt. Natürlich ist Eurythmie eine eine Gebärdensprache, die dasjenige durch den ganzen Leib als bewegte Plastik auszudrücken vermag, was durch Sprache sehr umständlich zu beschreiben und vermitteln ist. Eurythmie auf “seinen Namen …
It has been a while we have seen Cairo by day. Now we do invite you on a small visual journey through downtwon Cairo and Zamalek island. The city did change since 2013, the last time we have been there. A bit less anarchy, more security personal on the streets… same chaos in the traffic …
A shorter timetravel this is, only two weeks Two weeks since a wonderfull friday filled with videonale, art and monkey bizness. Monkey got 10, videonale 15 and we got smiling with our friend Amado Alfadni from cairo. The kuenstlerforum did and does show the world of sitting standing, flying,… in a supreme mix of …
It is mostly a pleasure to drop into a Deap Sea Light after a long night It has definitly been a pleasure after the great GCMN Dance happening on the township to float away in the morning with Deap Sea Light. Lucky bunch of visitors who had the opportunity to see that exhibition in full …
Dat Ship het jewackelt!!!! Township did nearly take of UPROOT ANDY (New York), DJ POLYESTA (Amsterdam) and KOSTA KOSTOV (Collogne). Djs of fortune, players of global music, seducer of innocent dancefloor inhabitants. One and all did do their best to get the crowd moving and the crowd did move, the ship shaked and the …
Fuck you! I won’t do what….concerts Hell yeah! Musik For The Kitchen the band brought to you to the township by ViertelBar-Concerts. First of a wonderfull lineup of live music from around the world. Musik For The Kitchen played their own tunes and covered a wide repertoire of music styles and songs with their mix …
Concerts! Concerts! A lot of concerts Just before the welcome to the kitchen concert tonight at the township we take a little look back on some live music…we want more:) Bukahara live at the base camp: Music, campers and a well of audience, first all rest on their…. but then….Hossa! DyrtByte live at the …
Mixed Grafitti and Photography Makeup for the End of Bonner Schule after two years of coolture the Bonner Schule will close its doors and the house will get demolished. Right time to play and leave a short time permanent trace. Eugen Schramm and JoHempel teamed up for a impro nightshift fassade creation. …