A shorter timetravel this is, only two weeks Two weeks since a wonderfull friday filled with videonale, art and monkey bizness. Monkey got 10, videonale 15 and we got smiling with our friend Amado Alfadni from cairo. The kuenstlerforum did and does show the world of sitting standing, flying,… in a supreme mix of …

Fuck you! I won’t do what….concerts Hell yeah! Musik For The Kitchen the band brought to you to the township by ViertelBar-Concerts. First of a wonderfull lineup of live music from around the world. Musik For The Kitchen played their own tunes and covered a wide repertoire of music styles and songs with their mix …
Concerts! Concerts! A lot of concerts Just before the welcome to the kitchen concert tonight at the township we take a little look back on some live music…we want more:) Bukahara live at the base camp: Music, campers and a well of audience, first all rest on their…. but then….Hossa! DyrtByte live at the …
smack my bitch up RocknHeim part 2, featuring the festival, Skrillex, Fritz K, Fanta4 and Prodigy. Festivals, they are a mental and physical mass between heaven and hell. Allways having some zombie effect on you. What helps to keep alive (not talking about liquer) is the music. When the beat kicks in, the drums start …
Der Kater räkelt sich in der Sonne, wacht auf von der langen Nacht in den Mai. Zeit mal kräftig zu maunzen und zu raunzen “wir sind wer, da und haben eine Stimme”. Einige Kater und Kätzchen zumindest. Wo war der Rest? Sind Demos nicht mehr chick? Oder ist der Bruch in der Gesellschaft schon …
letzte Nacht bekam ich Besuch im Labor/last night I had a visitor in the laboratory Es war etwas ungehalten ob dessen das wir alle mit Schrecken den Schrecken sehen in der Welt und unseren Arsch nicht hoch kriegen. Es sagte mit ruhiger Stimme: “Vielleicht solltet Ihr nicht all Eure Energie verausgaben beim …
oh what spring since carneval, journey going on. back pain will not stop. 2014 is …tbc with: skateboarding @ homies from collogne and MR Laas in Bonn, cave @ Seven mountain range, Bonn @ Bonn, Keller Karate @ sessions, screening @ Bar Adolf – tag des glücks, view @ Kreuzberg, 99 years @ grandmother, the …
One and a half way to go until the final closure. Still time……………… Come by, relax and get lost http://karmanoia.com/
29. of march 2014 is your last change since april 2010 the Labyrinth Peristal Singum invited you to a strange journey inside your feelings, fears and joys. http://karmanoia.com/ Now this journey is over and it is time to move on. If by change you are around Berlin, you should take the fortune. I will be …