Lecker Vollmond zur Arena Tropical Lichter überall, am Himmel, in den Bäumen, unter der Brücke, in den Augen der Menschen bei der Cosmic Radio–Bassadventurers ARENA TROPICAL end of summer party unter der Nordbrücke Bonn. Viele helfende Hände verwandelten die nicht Landschaftsschutz-Zone unter der Nordbrücke in eine wunderbare Abendwelt für tanzende Füße und lose Zungen. Warm …

A flashback on carnival – Rosenmontag rose-Monday For people who have never been in the rheinische Karneval it is hard to describe what is going on. Well, you could say „costumes, liqueur, Kamelle (sweets) and somorrah“ and this is true. On the 11th of November it does start at 11:11 am and it ends 7 …
Dat Ship het jewackelt!!!! Township did nearly take of UPROOT ANDY (New York), DJ POLYESTA (Amsterdam) and KOSTA KOSTOV (Collogne). Djs of fortune, players of global music, seducer of innocent dancefloor inhabitants. One and all did do their best to get the crowd moving and the crowd did move, the ship shaked and the …
Fuck you! I won’t do what….concerts Hell yeah! Musik For The Kitchen the band brought to you to the township by ViertelBar-Concerts. First of a wonderfull lineup of live music from around the world. Musik For The Kitchen played their own tunes and covered a wide repertoire of music styles and songs with their mix …
Loving those weekends in autumn, when everything can happen, sun and rain, fun and pain. Last weekend with # Mission IMPROssible #Irgendwiealles #Nachtflohmarkt #welcome to the circus #at the filmset/BW From Thursday to Monday the feeling of holiday in Bonn was only one step away. Hope it will stay that way. And we missed …
Moon during the day, cultural rituals on public spaces, surfer on the river rhine and tree trunks watching TV…. 2014 you gonna be strange but aslong as the sun is shing….