Hello 2018, it has been a while since the last blog. Now I am writing you straight out of the darkroom with some venice impressions. I do love analog photography. Just the fact that from the first day in venice from the first 6 picture negative stripe there is none I did …

Welcome north of the Sahara – Africa Festival in Bavaria the 29th Africa Festival just took place in Würzburg, located by the river Main next to the City Center. Bavaria turned a bit more colourfull for 4 days and beeing from the “oh so tolerant” rhineland one kept wondering why it is possible in Wuerzburg …
Tanz in den Mai oder auch : Wofür der Scheiss?… Alle Jahre wieder, zum ersten Mai, verwandelt sich das Oskar-Romero Haus in einen Ort, von dem man sich wünscht er wäre dauerhaft. Ein Ort der in Berlin als In-Club durchgehen würde, an dem Menschen monatelang bauen. Im letzten Jahr sah es so aus: May I …
Ich liebe dieses Viertel Ich glaube es ist eins der integrativen, offensten und buntesten Viertel das deutsche Städte zu bieten haben. Natürlich mag ich nicht alles und manche(n) derdiedas am Franky auftaucht betrachte ich kritisch, hat nichts mit ihrem/seinem Status oder Haut zu tun, eher mit seinem/ihrem Verhalten. Denke das ist OK. Natürlich ist es …
The Gypsy Ska Orquesta was back in Bonn About a year after their sweaty concert in Cafe La Victoria the Gypsy Ska Orquesta took their Bus and came to Bonn for the first concert of their spring tour 2017. Having a new album on board there is no need for seatbelts. La Malevola, is a …
Traditions are crucial for every social group and they are very relative Good start for a article about an alternative carnival fiesta happening since some 12 years, d’r sound kütt, Reggae beats and similar music played by carnival loving but traditional carnival music disliking DJ’s. 12 years are a long time for being an …
Carnival in the rhineland, love it or leave it? Many folks life by this mantra, being intimidated by 100983288 gallons of beer pured down from weired looking germans in silly costumes during shitty cold weather, in february. And what about this buring a puppet (the nubbel) at the end, to get rid of all sins …
Shot a lot of pictures.. but the analog ones still have the most Goulash Disko Old lady Leica M3 is a bit slower, therefore we are getting to the quiet moments here. with cross processed anlaog pictures from Goulash Disko Festival. The right thing to look at on a rainy autumn day, I guess, because …
Summer is nearly coming to an end?! A little cruel to start with this, but do not worry, the summer will be back and before a great autumn starts I share with you various photographic works from the last 4 months. Enjoy!!!
it has been 14 years….digging in mongolia And then you scroll trough your old files and find these bw scans, smile and remember. It was digging at Karakorum with the DAI, eating bots every day and finding natural herbs in the mountains, horseriding and dog playing, vast plains and acient remains. …