The Cheap Art Sensation and the Cheap Art Deluxe in Bonn Those events to see and buy a lot of different art did take place in the Fabrik 45 and the Kult41. Yesterday. JoHempel did show his analog medium formate works “welcome to the desert-take a ride” and “im Sinne des Sandes”. Turned out to …

AyAy! Lift your feet, feed your parrots………..the ship is in town The moon was nearly full. The night was nearly warm The beat was realy there The river realy floaded Township by the shore shure to be there take a new ride to an upcoming sphere ….and if it’s sweaty I don’t care
Loving those weekends in autumn, when everything can happen, sun and rain, fun and pain. Last weekend with # Mission IMPROssible #Irgendwiealles #Nachtflohmarkt #welcome to the circus #at the filmset/BW From Thursday to Monday the feeling of holiday in Bonn was only one step away. Hope it will stay that way. And we missed …
Allways wondered how german Burschenschaften (fraternities) have been back then and maybe now? The play Waffenschweine – Theater Bonn – may give you a sometimes shocking, sometimes funny and a lot of times light bulb moment on german fraterinities, back from when they have been innovative and democratic pioneers until the now. check out Theater …
JoHempel Photography might appear like some fun sports, concert, party pictures with a little share of wedding and pregnancy photography… Partly right, we do other works as well. just recently we accompanied the first Busch-Jaeger IFA-Berlin Tradeshow presence. see Busch-Jaeger FB And just some days ago we had the honour to document the UNESCO Decade …
sunny skate saturday and serious chaos at the lentpark …..contest. Kids, parents, Skateboards and some general mayhem on the course. How beautifull that chaos was. Who did invent that everybody skates without a recognisable order in a highly official contest? That human deserves a medal of hörrör. As does the METALLLLLLLL Band playing during practice. A …
5 weeks thinking, 4 days produktion and 0,9765499999999999999 rehearsals Just to tap our selfs on the shoulder, this was the time we had to kick the Scenic Skateboard Impro Oper Bonn. One can be happy we made a rather great than hate show out of this but one can also learn and say: not again …
Not to be confused This goes out to all the good people at the theater werkstätten in beuel and the opera bonn. We proudly named one of the skateboard obstacles “Peter” in honour the the man who made it on close time call. Thank you very much. The Skater is named Conny, Conny over Peter…. …
We are going on stage Ich sah es rollen und hörte… Was hat Skateboardfahren mit der Oper zu tun? Die Theatralik des Lebens? Der Wunsch zur Show? Bereitschaft zu Leiden? Leidenschaft! Szenische Skateboard Improvisation eine Kooperation des Theaters Bonn und HFWM-Produktion Regie/Produktion Jo Hempel Ton und Rampen Installation Michael Falkenbach/Markus Wutzlhofer/Michael Marx mit Helmut Vutuc …
Mixed Grafitti and Photography Makeup for the End of Bonner Schule after two years of coolture the Bonner Schule will close its doors and the house will get demolished. Right time to play and leave a short time permanent trace. Eugen Schramm and JoHempel teamed up for a impro nightshift fassade creation. …