Dat Ship het jewackelt!!!! Township did nearly take of UPROOT ANDY (New York), DJ POLYESTA (Amsterdam) and KOSTA KOSTOV (Collogne). Djs of fortune, players of global music, seducer of innocent dancefloor inhabitants. One and all did do their best to get the crowd moving and the crowd did move, the ship shaked and the …

Fuck you! I won’t do what….concerts Hell yeah! Musik For The Kitchen the band brought to you to the township by ViertelBar-Concerts. First of a wonderfull lineup of live music from around the world. Musik For The Kitchen played their own tunes and covered a wide repertoire of music styles and songs with their mix …
Concerts! Concerts! A lot of concerts Just before the welcome to the kitchen concert tonight at the township we take a little look back on some live music…we want more:) Bukahara live at the base camp: Music, campers and a well of audience, first all rest on their…. but then….Hossa! DyrtByte live at the …
AyAy! Lift your feet, feed your parrots………..the ship is in town The moon was nearly full. The night was nearly warm The beat was realy there The river realy floaded Township by the shore shure to be there take a new ride to an upcoming sphere ….and if it’s sweaty I don’t care
Loving those weekends in autumn, when everything can happen, sun and rain, fun and pain. Last weekend with # Mission IMPROssible #Irgendwiealles #Nachtflohmarkt #welcome to the circus #at the filmset/BW From Thursday to Monday the feeling of holiday in Bonn was only one step away. Hope it will stay that way. And we missed …
Allways wondered how german Burschenschaften (fraternities) have been back then and maybe now? The play Waffenschweine – Theater Bonn – may give you a sometimes shocking, sometimes funny and a lot of times light bulb moment on german fraterinities, back from when they have been innovative and democratic pioneers until the now. check out Theater …
JoHempel Photography might appear like some fun sports, concert, party pictures with a little share of wedding and pregnancy photography… Partly right, we do other works as well. just recently we accompanied the first Busch-Jaeger IFA-Berlin Tradeshow presence. see Busch-Jaeger FB And just some days ago we had the honour to document the UNESCO Decade …
Mixed Grafitti and Photography Makeup for the End of Bonner Schule after two years of coolture the Bonner Schule will close its doors and the house will get demolished. Right time to play and leave a short time permanent trace. Eugen Schramm and JoHempel teamed up for a impro nightshift fassade creation. …
No, this is not Sanct Petersburg?, anyhow live acts are happening and just recently we did see a lot in Bonn. Sorry that you will not see any pics of la papa verde here, sometimes the photographer is dancing to much, but I can and will invite you to a small trip into the world …
Nach nur fünf Minuten auf dem Floss fühlt sich die starre Erde merkwürdig an, wie sehr muss es schaukeln wenn man Stunden auf dem Wasser verbringt und dann wieder festen Grund spürt. Fluchtschiffe finden sich überall auf der Welt und für viele die damit unterwegs sind ist der feste Grund den sie spüren wenn sie …