Welcome north of the Sahara – Africa Festival in Bavaria the 29th Africa Festival just took place in Würzburg, located by the river Main next to the City Center. Bavaria turned a bit more colourfull for 4 days and beeing from the “oh so tolerant” rhineland one kept wondering why it is possible in Wuerzburg …

Ich liebe dieses Viertel Ich glaube es ist eins der integrativen, offensten und buntesten Viertel das deutsche Städte zu bieten haben. Natürlich mag ich nicht alles und manche(n) derdiedas am Franky auftaucht betrachte ich kritisch, hat nichts mit ihrem/seinem Status oder Haut zu tun, eher mit seinem/ihrem Verhalten. Denke das ist OK. Natürlich ist es …
A miracle happened at the Lohse Rampe Skatecontest it was raining heavily the days before, so they had to skip the Skatecontest from saturday to sunday and it does rain every day since then. So whatever god had mercy for some poor little 4×4 rolling boards pilots, thank you for that wonderfull sunny day. You …
SOME HATE IT – I LOVE IT …. analog timetraveling Time passes and then you develop an analog film, you do not even know what is on it and it is like christmass… you know you will get presents, but are they any good? Happens all the time, here are some rough scans back from …
Tanz in den Mai – dance into the first of may Allways happy to see how much love people put into making themselfs and others happy for the first of may….. not talking about putting dead trees in front of their lovers house but creating a wonderfull, colourrich, friendly world for their friends, buddies and …
Time passes – Music stays Dear Memory, this is your ear…. I still have it, the tune of of the Gypsy Ska Orquesta here inside of me,…do you feel it…the rythem, the base, the power…. It was a very sweaty evening when I opened up for Gypsy Ska Orquesta meets Rhizom at Cafe la Victoria …
englisch summary: down in a passway, where junkies roam and people pee, skater from Bonn brought some ramps to skate on the saturday before christmas. Welcome to the Pissrinne (peegully). Video link at bottom. Was ist Kultur? Was verbindet die Oper Bonn, einen Ort der Hochkultur, mit der Pissrinne, einen der markantesten Nicht-Orte Bonns. …
Pictures, especially analog ones always take you on a timetravel. With the colour darkroom finaly in effect the last 16 years of cross photography slowly come to live and with them the not so new idea…time is precious. In the negatives a lot of people appear who joined my live, some passed it and went …
A music dream journey at Viertelbar Concerts on the township Thank God it was Friday, raining and dark. Time for music. Viertelbar Concert did find for us, the unexpecting audience, two bands that took us on a jounrney to new earadises. Archer and Tripp tuned us with sounds taking us away to a place where …
This year Gorilla came to Germany and Jo went to swiss Gorilla Workshops are teaching kids how to do freestyle sports, eat healthy and passing along some knowlage about sustainibilty… Mrs Wadin and I joined the first german tour from DeinGorilla for three weeks and it was a blast, Mr. Albertross is a certified …