Tanz in den Mai – dance into the first of may Allways happy to see how much love people put into making themselfs and others happy for the first of may….. not talking about putting dead trees in front of their lovers house but creating a wonderfull, colourrich, friendly world for their friends, buddies and …

Time passes – Music stays Dear Memory, this is your ear…. I still have it, the tune of of the Gypsy Ska Orquesta here inside of me,…do you feel it…the rythem, the base, the power…. It was a very sweaty evening when I opened up for Gypsy Ska Orquesta meets Rhizom at Cafe la Victoria …
Last saturday the Rhizom helped to organise a birthdayparty and it got greater than expected. No wonder if the birthdaychild gets DJanes like Schallkönigin Challa (Twist and Shout) Anibal (Neon Wave) Darius Darek (Taxi Mundial) SMNBZ (Kommandozentrale) Oliver (Spannung_Loesung) to play good music till 8 am. a lot of people helped when ever …
Asyl-Dialoge A theater play on the good and bad sides of beeing a refugee in Germany Beeing inside the german bureaucratic machinery as a refugee and applying for asylum is mostly no fun at all. The play Asyl-Dialoge brought on stage by the Bühne für Menschenrechte is working with a big contrast. …
Nach nur fünf Minuten auf dem Floss fühlt sich die starre Erde merkwürdig an, wie sehr muss es schaukeln wenn man Stunden auf dem Wasser verbringt und dann wieder festen Grund spürt. Fluchtschiffe finden sich überall auf der Welt und für viele die damit unterwegs sind ist der feste Grund den sie spüren wenn sie …
oh what spring since carneval, journey going on. back pain will not stop. 2014 is …tbc with: skateboarding @ homies from collogne and MR Laas in Bonn, cave @ Seven mountain range, Bonn @ Bonn, Keller Karate @ sessions, screening @ Bar Adolf – tag des glücks, view @ Kreuzberg, 99 years @ grandmother, the …