english version below…. Der Himmel war fast klar über Bonn, Herbst in ruhiger Phase, was sich dramatisch änderte im Wolkenbild auf dem Weg nach Frankfurt. Fünf Stunden später ist der Flughafen in Cairo fast ausgestorben. Lange Gesichter.

A facebook virgin until 10. of august, the day neo johempel photography realy went online. In 60 days more than 116 people liked johempel photography on facebook, WE LIKE IT! Because of …
It is not very well preserved who started it, might been the Hutmachers back in the days, around christmass, who knows,….but still it is going on and on: CLUB PISSRINNE the only real underground spot in Bonn. Might be a junky/gangster/hobo place most of the time, but once in a while someone comes along, piles …
Someone has been killing the owl bowl last sunday…madly! So here is the story. The owl bowl skatecontest at the northbrigade in Cologne should have been happening on last saturday. The day of the fade away mountainbike contest wich brought work and would have brought absence. Good lord, this is the end of summer and …
Little nebula clouds fading away in the morning. So green the forst. Windy the road. Expecting guys, yes only – but I skiping ahead, flying with bikes trough the air? Yes. No. Well, a fotopromotiongift job awaited and with this the realisation on the disturbing senses of standing with the back to the action. Greenscreen …
You are in Bonn and want to get shot? contact info@johempel.com
Brrr… rain and wind, the first feeling of autumn. But under the bridge the Vans skateteam has been warming up and disobeying the weathergods command of no skateboarding with rain. As always it is good to see old friends and all the skateboys that turned grown up in all those years. Well somehow. Above one …
Wide eyed funnies stumbling around in gunshot filled halls. Lines of palish guys waiting hours to get killed in 15 minutes. Wemen in fantastic outfits appearing in between, giving the modern cyberwarriors the right drive. Yeah man, tits and guns:) Hope all of you will not experience the real shit. Well, tits might be OK …
We had a wonderfull short exhibition in the Bonner Schule. Photography and Light Sculptures Through dark floors one entered 3 chambers of which one has been a joined venture between Menduri Melcher and Jo Hempel and the other two showed solitary work of each artist. Deep ocean, photokitchen and the sandstorm. Saturday and sunday we …
Last night at midnight we did a small sneak in vernissage of the show “Licht der Fantasie” at Bonner Schule. people sneaked in from the street and got lost in lights, sounds and photos. Now the show is officially open. More rooms are waiting for you. Come over.