Sonntag, 3ter Advent und Kinderstimmen singen Lieder, ohne Witz, wunderbar. Im Rahmen KinderKunstKinder-Ausstellung “Baumwelten”lud das Kuenstlerforum Bonn am letzten Sonntag alle Kinder herzlich zu einem Kreativnachmittag ein. Neben Bastelaktionen trat der bekannte Kinderchor des Theater Bonn unter der Leitung von Ekaterina Klewitz auf. Dies lockte auch ein paar ältere Semester und nicht alle waren Eltern. …

A music dream journey at Viertelbar Concerts on the township Thank God it was Friday, raining and dark. Time for music. Viertelbar Concert did find for us, the unexpecting audience, two bands that took us on a jounrney to new earadises. Archer and Tripp tuned us with sounds taking us away to a place where …
This year Gorilla came to Germany and Jo went to swiss Gorilla Workshops are teaching kids how to do freestyle sports, eat healthy and passing along some knowlage about sustainibilty… Mrs Wadin and I joined the first german tour from DeinGorilla for three weeks and it was a blast, Mr. Albertross is a certified …
“World Beat Train” – Riding the tracks never been more true 9 Years of World Beat Party climaxed in a World Beat Train and it was nearly full moon Bonn, never the less it just USED to be capital of Germany, is very international. Every country left someone here and now with the UN …
Yesterday morning it was early, very early, cold and no one expected the evening to end with Fat Freddy’s Drop But then, on the way to the aktionspotenzial shooting they mentioned at Funkhaus Europa “Two tickets for Fat Freddy’s Drop in Muenster to win,…call…” For the first time in life I called, left my name …
Grafitti inside the remains of the Karl Lagerfeld exhibition at the well know Bundes Kunst und Ausstellungshalle Bonn, best thing to do with the remains of fashion, crossing it. Transforming it into the BundeskunstHALLOFFAME. 9 days of constant spraying and interactive instalations…art evolving…art? or vandalism? Two masked artists spraying over their own visual screens. An other …
If you want to skateboard or roll transition in Egypt, you have to go to the christians This is as far as I know a fact, well I think there is a pipe in El-Gouna, but that might be another story. So we went, twice. Last Friday we went to Beit Elwadi, somewhere between Cairo …
10 days ago we did save the world!!!!!!!! Did we? Haben wir? Very well, it is still same same, so what happened? Genau…warum ist sie immer noch so? The GKKT (Gemeinschaft für Konspirative/Konstruktive/Karitative/Kokaine/Kommerzielle/Katastrophale/Klaustrophobische/Koenigliche/Kreative – Kunst – Tranformation) did create, build and run the bar “Zum Schleppnetz” – wir haben die Bar entworfen, gebaut und betrieben. …
Bonn wie schön Du sein kannst Letztes WE hatte die Nordbrücke Besuch mit Arena Tropical….davor am WE war es auch ganz wunderbar, da sich immer mal wieder jemand der Kültür in Bonn annimmt…ob es jetzt Le Rock and Pop Comander ist, der Bassekou Kouyaté zu den Stadtgarten Konzerten bringt, in der Grünen Spielstadt das Wunderwelt …
Lecker Vollmond zur Arena Tropical Lichter überall, am Himmel, in den Bäumen, unter der Brücke, in den Augen der Menschen bei der Cosmic Radio–Bassadventurers ARENA TROPICAL end of summer party unter der Nordbrücke Bonn. Viele helfende Hände verwandelten die nicht Landschaftsschutz-Zone unter der Nordbrücke in eine wunderbare Abendwelt für tanzende Füße und lose Zungen. Warm …